
BANGKA - The COVID-19 Task Force (Satgas) of Bangka Regency, Bangka Belitung Islands Province, noted that booster vaccine services in the area reached 10.28 percent or 26,223 people from the target of 255,161 people.

"To this day, the achievements of Bangka Regency residents, the general group who have received booster vaccine services, have reached 10.28 percent," said Bangka Regency COVID-19 Task Force spokesman Boy Yandra in Sungailiat, as reported by Antara, Friday, April 8.

Boy Yandra admitted that the public's interest in getting booster services was quite high, reaching 500 people per day after the government relaxed the homecoming rules.

"People are high enough to get a booster after the government provides concessions or free conditions for antigen and PCR tests for travelers out of town," he said.

He reminded that the booster was only given to residents aged 18 years and over. The vaccines given to residents in Bangka Regency are Moderna and Pfizer vaccines.

The realization of the first dose of vaccine for the general group in Bangka Regency was recorded at 201,516 people or 78.98 percent of the target of 255,161 people and the second dose reached 168,064 people or 65.87 percent.

"I remind people of all ages who have mandatory vaccines who have not received the vaccine to immediately register at the nearest vaccine service outlet which is open every day," he explained.

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