
JAKARTA - Special Staff for Infrastructure, Energy and Investment The Presidential Chief of Staff, Bambang Prihartono said the government's decision to allow Lebaran homecoming this year will bring fresh air to national economic growth.

Moreover, economic growth is closely related to the movement or activity of humans or people.

"This year's Lebaran homecoming must be used as a moment of economic recovery that has slumped during the pandemic (almost 2 more years, ed)," said Bambang in Jakarta, Friday, April 8.

Bambang believes that the health protocols that have been implemented strictly and the recent restrictions on community activities are able to create herd immunity.

"Prokes has been implemented strictly for 2 years, so that people have implemented it consistently, so that herd immunity has been achieved," he said.

Furthermore, Bambang agreed that the economic condition in the country had indeed plummeted. However, the current condition of national growth has begun to squirm even though people's purchasing power still tends to be weak.

However, it is hoped that these various conditions will not make the people's intention to return to their hometowns recede.

"Therefore, people are given the freedom to choose the most affordable mode of transportation for going home," said Bambang.

In fact, continued Bambang, despite the increase in fuel, some of the subsidies intended for fuel can be diverted to subsidies for going home for Eid later. "That is, by applying the BTS (Buy The Service) concept during Eid homecoming," he said. Previously, President Joko Widodo had announced a joint leave of Eid al-Fitr 1443 Hijriah starting on April 29 to May 4-6 2022. Meanwhile for national holidays it falls on 2-2 May 3rd.

It is hoped that this joint leave can be used by the community to return to their hometown and stay in touch with their families. However, President Jokowi asked the public to continue to obey health protocols when returning to their villages.

"I need to emphasize that the pandemic is not yet completely over. We all must always be vigilant," Jokowi said in a video description posted on the Presidential Secretariat's YouTube, Wednesday, April 6.

Not only implementing health protocols, Jokowi also asked the public to immediately complete the dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. This must be done in order to be aware of the spread of the virus when returning home.

In addition, people are also required to continue to wear masks. Especially if you are in a public place.

"Hurry up to complete the booster vaccine, you must continue to carry out health protocols in a disciplined manner and you must always wear a mask when in public places or in crowds," he stressed.

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