
BANDUNG - A 15-year-old girl named Maziyah Sakinah has been accepted as a student at Padjadjaran University (Unpad) through the 2022 National Selection for State University Admission (SNMPTN).

He was successfully accepted into the Agricultural Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Agricultural Industrial Technology, Unpad at the age of 15 years and 11 months to be exact. The girl from Bekasi City, admitted that she was the only one who passed the SNMPTN at her home school, namely SMA Islam Assyafi'iyah 02, Bekasi.

"At first, I was hesitant when I wanted to open the announcement, because many schools were not accepted," said Maziyah on the Unpad official website in Bandung, West Java, as reported by Antara, Friday, April 8.

Maziyah was able to enter college earlier because she had been in elementary school since the age of four. Even though she is younger than her friends, Maziyah often gets better academic grades.

Currently, Maziyah is also listed as a recipient of the Smart Indonesia Card (KIP) for College. He admits that he doesn't come from a wealthy family, but that's what really motivates him.

"I'm trying not to let my achievement drop, so that I can continue to get scholarships and lighten the burden on my parents. Because later if you go to college, you will definitely spend a lot of money,” he said. As for he admitted that he was determined to choose the Agricultural Engineering study program after he dug up information related to the department.

According to him, the Agricultural Engineering study program has broad prospects for his future career. In addition, he was also interested in the material studied in the department.

"I have done a lot of research, when I saw the study I was very interested," he said.

After being accepted at Unpad, he is optimistic that he will be able to finish his studies well. In addition to academic matters, he also wishes to join a number of student organizations.

"Hopefully I don't disappoint and I can still achieve," said Maziyah.

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