
JAKARTA - Presidential Chief of Staff (KSP) Moeldoko emphasized that the construction of the National Capital City (IKN) of the Archipelago is a complicated task and will take a long time. Thus, he emphasized that this project is no longer a priority but a super priority.

This was conveyed by Moeldoko while chairing the coordination meeting for monitoring infrastructure development and IKN communication strategies today, Friday, April 8th. This activity was attended by Minister of ATR/BPN Sofyan Djalil, Minister of Communications and Informatics Johnny G. Plate, and Deputy Head of the IKN Authority Agency Dhony Rahajoe.

In addition, East Kalimantan Governor Isran Noor, North Penajam Paser Regent, and a number of representatives from the Ministry of Finance, PUPR, Bappenas, and the Ministry of Environment and Forestry were also present.

"The construction and transfer of the IKN is a struggle to realize a socially just Indonesia for all Indonesians. This is a complicated job and takes a very long time, five to 20 years," said Moeldoko in a written statement, Friday, April 8.

With this condition, extra work is needed which of course requires careful preparation to super-tight escort and collaboration from various ministries/agencies and related agencies.

"It requires strict planning, detailed execution, rigid and sustainable supervision, inclusive and participatory communication," said the former TNI Commander.

In the meeting, the Presidential Staff Office (KSP) team through Deputy I had carried out monitoring and evaluation as well as coordination with relevant ministries/agencies to accelerate the development of phase one IKN. As a result, in the near future infrastructure development will be carried out.

The infrastructure that will soon be built is the construction of new roads and road preservation including access to the IKN area, construction of raw water intake lines, as well as drainage channels and flood control.

In addition, the construction of government office facilities and their supporters, especially the State Palace, the offices of the Coordinating Ministry and Ministries, as well as the construction of the national axis will also be carried out soon.

"In the environmental and forestry sectors, the release of forest areas and the rehabilitation of mining pits in the IKN area will be carried out. This is a crucial point in preparation for development apart from the construction of the Mentawir nursery," explained Moeldoko.

Furthermore, the results of the monitoring and evaluation of the Presidential Staff Office together with these ministries/agencies will be included in the IKN development action plan phase one, which will be finalized this month.

The action plan, continued Moeldoko, will begin with the issuance of derivative regulations of the priority IKN Law, which will then be followed by the implementation of infrastructure development.

"We hope that the derivative regulations of the priority IKN Law can be issued, so that the implementation of IKN infrastructure development can run on an accountable basis," he concluded.

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