
JAKARTA - Secretary General of the Gerindra Party DPP Ahmad Muzani said Prabowo Subianto prioritized his duties and functions as Minister of Defense rather than political "gimmicks" whose purpose was only for electoral interests and political surveys.

According to him, Prabowo understands that the interests of the state are more important because the world's geopolitical conditions are currently in uncertainty due to the Russia-Ukraine war.

"What Pak Prabowo is doing as Defense Minister is to strengthen Indonesia's defense base. The phenomenon of the Russia-Ukraine war has caused many countries in the world to feel that there is the same threat, that at any time our country could be under threat," Muzani said in a written statement quoted by Antara, Thursday, April 7th.

This was said by Muzani while attending the Consolidation of Gerindra Cadres throughout Greater Solo at the Lor In Hotel, Solo, Central Java.

He said the position of the Minister of Defense was very important in maintaining the country's defense so that Prabowo realized that the interests of the state were more important than personal elections.

"Pak Prabowo is more concerned with strengthening Indonesia's defenses than increasing surveys," he said.

Muzani explained that currently on social media there are many figures who prioritize "entertain" over substance. This, according to him, resulted in as if the people were being entertained, but the substance problems such as poverty, unemployment, and others faced by the people were not touched.

"That's why Pak Prabowo prefers substance over mere ceremony. He prefers to carry out defense diplomacy with many world countries to strengthen our defense and military strength," he said.

According to him, Prabowo is committed to continuing the developments that have been carried out by President Jokowi, such as toll roads, reservoirs, dams, ports, airports, and industrial centers.

He said all of these are sources of prosperity that can become Indonesia's economic strength in the future.

"Pak Prabowo is committed to making everything that Mr. Jokowi has built as a source of prosperity and prosperity for the Indonesian nation. This is only possible for someone who understands this issue," he said.

In addition, Muzani advised that all Gerindra cadres do not need to doubt whether Prabowo will advance or not in the 2024 Presidential Election (Pilpres).

According to him, what the General Chairperson of Gerindra has done as Minister of Defense is solely for the nation and state.

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