
BOGOR - Bogor Mayor Bima Arya Sugiarto asked the central government to move more quickly to overcome the scarcity of bulk cooking oil which affected small traders.

During a sudden inspection of the largest cooking oil depot in Bogor, namely PD. Cimanggu Park, Bima Arya said he was concerned about hearing a number of complaints from stall traders and food producers who were queuing up.

"But we have seen that there has never been a queue here, yes, since the cooking oil crisis, there have been queues and what worries us is that they are selling cooking oil in food stalls," said Bima as quoted by Antara, Thursday, April 7.

Bima revealed that by limiting the purchase of cooking oil to shop traders, their profit margins are also getting smaller. In this way, the income of the stall traders will also decrease ahead of Eid 2022.

While on the other hand, he said, PD. Taman Cimanggu also had to limit the number of traders' purchases due to the limited stock of cooking oil provided by the producers in Jakarta.

"So it's been a bit there, already rationed, so Pak Ruslyi has taken a policy to also limit his sales in accordance with the rules," he said.

Bima Arya is committed to ensuring the distribution of bulk cooking oil is fair so that all traders and producers get cooking oil for their needs.

"But of course we ask that the central government move faster and more decisively to overcome the scarcity of cooking oil," he said.

The owner of the cooking oil depot, PD. Taman Cimanggu Gunarso Rusly conveyed that he had received a restriction on orders for cooking oil to large distributors of producers in Jakarta from only 40 tons to a maximum of 60 tons per day.

This amount is far from normal before there was a shortage of staple food stocks. Originally, the demand for cooking oil from depots to distributors was never limited.

However, with this situation, said Rusly, the depot was forced to sort out buyers in small or large quantities. For small shop traders, he limits the purchase of only 1 jerry can containing 16 kilograms for Rp.232,000.

Meanwhile, for MSMEs, food producers who need cooking oil are not limited, as long as it is in accordance with production needs.

PD. Taman Cimanggu requires buyers to include an identity card (KTP), then SIUP or business information for food producers.

This is because the owner of the cooking oil depot, Gunarso Rusly, conveyed that the requirements were in accordance with the regulations from the Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) so that there would be no misuse of the cooking oil distribution.

Then, for large grocery stores, more purchases can be made at prices below Rp. 14,500 or at least according to the highest retail price (HET) of Rp. 14,000.

"But if MSMEs are free, how much do they want, like the rocking flower maker, I need four, I give four, because he makes a business, if he makes a business, we always give him," he explained.

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