
BANDUNG - The Bandung City Health Office (Dinkes), West Java noted that until the first week of Ramadan 2022, booster vaccinations in the area reached 24.6 percent of the 1.9 million people targeted for vaccination.

Head of Disease Control and Prevention at the Bandung City Health Office, Rosye Arosdiani, said that although 480,117 people had received booster vaccines, this figure still did not meet the president's target of 30 percent.

"It has been proven that vaccination can prevent disease severity. Most or more than 70 percent of COVID-19 patients who died in Bandung City have not been vaccinated and have comorbidities," said Rosye in Bandung, Antara, Thursday, April 7.

Currently, there are 1,475 people who have died from COVID-19 in the city of Bandung. However, the death toll was contributed more when the delta variant cases spread in mid-2021.

In addition to vaccination, another aspect that needs to be considered to prevent exposure to COVID-19, said Rosye, is maintaining the immune system. How, by paying attention to diet and healthy living.

The latest data on the active confirmation of COVID-19 in the city of Bandung continues to slop during this week of Ramadan. According to him, since March 31, 2022, the increase in active confirmations per day has been below 100 cases.

"Despite the ups and downs of cases, from 30 to 60. Then, the next day it goes down again to 40. Hopefully it will continue to improve," he said.

Although fluctuating, he said, cases tended to drop significantly when compared to previous weeks.

"This week, during Ramadan, there were only 628 active cases, but this is not finished yet. My calculations are usually from Monday-Sunday. Hopefully it will be less than the previous week," he said.

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