
SUMSEL - A number of public refueling stations (SPBU) in Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU) Regency, South Sumatra (Sumsel), are monitored by the local resort police.

OKU Police Chief AKBP Danu Agus Purnomo said his party ensured that there was no act of hoarding diesel by unscrupulous vehicle drivers.

"This is done to follow up the long queue of vehicles at the gas station that has occurred since the last few days," said Danu in Baturaja, Thursday, April 7.

In this activity, his party supervised the distribution of 16 kiloliters of Pertalite and 8 kiloliters of biodiesel from Pertamina Banuayu Station, Lubuk Batang District to gas stations in Batukuning Village.

"Based on our observations, queues of vehicles are piling up at gas stations because the supply of diesel fuel is not in accordance with the needs," he said, as reported by Antara.

For this reason, every two-wheeled or four-wheeled vehicle that fills up with fuel is recorded by the vehicle number plate using an electronic data capture (EDC) machine by the operator, the results of which are sent to the Pertamina Banuayu Depot so that vehicles that have filled up fuel can no longer repeat purchases, except when change of shift operators at gas stations every 14.30 WIB.

Police officers asked vehicle drivers not to park on the shoulder of the road when queuing to buy fuel so as not to cause traffic jams on the highway.

Meanwhile, Pertamina OKU Raya Sales Branch Manager Zico Aldillah Syatian previously admitted that there was indeed a decrease in the fuel quota for OKU Raya, but his party continued to strive to meet the needs of subsidized diesel for the OKU community during Ramadan.

"In 2022 the subsidized biodiesel quota at OKU will indeed decrease by 4 percent," he explained.

According to him, in 2021 his party will distribute 22,700 kiloliters of biodiesel to all gas stations in OKU, but in 2022 the quota will decrease to 21,800 kiloliters.

"With the decrease in volume, we have arranged the distribution of biodiesel to gas stations so that there will be no stock vacancies during Ramadan, even until the end of the year," he concluded.

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