
JAKARTA - The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) monitors television shows during Ramadan to comply with sharia corridors and to encourage them to spread enlightening messages to their viewers.

"All television programs that are broadcast during the holy month of Ramadan must provide spiritual and religious moral messages that are enlightening. From those who do not know to know, those who already know become stronger in their knowledge," said Head of Infokom MUI Mabroer in a written statement received at Jakarta, reported by Antara, Thursday, April 7.

Monitoring of Ramadan shows has been routinely carried out by MUI since 2005. MUI will monitor all broadcasts and provide notes for those who do not show enlightenment messages.

Television stations that get records must improve the quality of their broadcasts and become an evaluation for the next Ramadan. Meanwhile, television stations that are in accordance with the corridor will receive an award from the MUI.

"Television programs that have received an award from the MUI for providing broadcasts of religious spirit and moral messages during the month of Ramadan are expected to maintain their achievements in the following years," he said. He said the monitoring program for Ramadan television shows was organized by the MUI Infokom Commission in collaboration with the MUI Da'wah Commission, the MUI Fatwa Commission, and others.

Mabroer hopes that the monitoring program can have a positive effect and also become a joint program, because television is an agent of change.

"Television is an agent of change, be it behavior, understanding or civilization. Television is very important for us to monitor together. If television broadcasting is not monitored, it is feared that in the future civilization will be difficult to control," he said.

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