
JAMBI - President Joko Widodo on Thursday visited Angso Duo Market in Jambi City, Jambi Province, Thursday 7 April, to hand over working capital assistance to traders and direct cash assistance (BLT) as compensation for the increase in cooking oil prices to residents. traders who received capital assistance worth IDR 1.2 million per person and 100 beneficiaries of the Family Hope Program (PKH) who received BLT cooking oil assistance worth IDR 300 thousand in the handover ceremony at the Angso Duo Market. The President hopes that the assistance from the government can support business development traders and make it easier for residents to buy cooking oil during the holy month of Ramadan. After attending the handover ceremony at Angso Duo Market, the President and his entourage headed to Pudak Village, Kumpeh Ulu District, Muaro Jambi Regency. In Muaro Jambi, the President is scheduled to visit the areca nut factory and release exports areca nut and also inspect the Muaro Jambi National Cultural Conservation Area (KCBN). u The President is scheduled to review the project to improve the quality of the roads leading to Muaro Jambi Temple and Muara Sabak Port.

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