
JAKARTA - Minister of Transportation (Menhub) Budi Karya Sumadi estimates that around 79 million people will travel back and forth during Lebaran this year. Budi said the peak of the homecoming flow was predicted to occur between April 29 to April 30 2022 and May 8. This is the finding of a survey conducted by the Research and Development Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) in March 2022. The finding of 79 million people who will return to their hometowns this Eid is higher than the results of the first survey in February.

Budi said, of the 79 million people who will go home for Eid, 13 million of them are travelers from the Greater Jakarta area.

"So it can be said that there are a large number of Jabodetabek (residents) who will return to their hometowns," Budi said during a visit with the House of Representatives Commission V at the DPR building, Jakarta, Wednesday, April 6.

"The survey also shows that the peak of going home will occur on the 29th, 30th and 8th. In terms of most trips from East Java and Jabodetabek the most destinations are to Central Java," he continued.

The Minister of Transportation continued, in the first survey around February 2022, the Ministry of Transportation predicted that there would be 55 million people going home. Of this number, 9.1 million people come from the Greater Jakarta area.

Meanwhile, travelers who will use private vehicles, both two-wheeled and four-wheeled, are predicted to reach 40 million people. Meanwhile, people who will use land public transportation reach 26 million and 8 million by air.

In addition, said the Minister of Transportation, there are also 8 million people using trains and 1.1 million people will use sea transportation. Then, the transportation that has been prepared by the government consists of 57,000 buses, 205 ships, 327 aircraft and navigation ships.

Budi said the government had coordinated with relevant stakeholders to prepare for the smooth homecoming season for this year's Eid.

"We have coordinated with stakeholders, especially with the National Police to make good efforts," said the Minister of Transportation.

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