
JAKARTA - Kembangan sub-district, West Jakarta, deployed 80 members of the Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP) to guard the empty house because the owner left the house for Idul Fitri 1443 Hijriah.

"We will deploy Satpol PP officers in the area. We have 80 personnel from all urban villages," said the Kembangan sub-district head, Joko Mulyono, in Jakarta, Wednesday, April 6.

Joko said the guard needed to be carried out because houses left by residents for going home were often the targets of criminal acts.

The guard will be carried out not only by Satpol PP officers but also in collaboration with Babinsa and Babinkamtibmas in every sub-district and village.

They will take turns taking turns throughout the day throughout the residential area. Joko admitted that his party did not pay special attention to several areas that needed more protection.

"We maintain the same portion in all regions," he said.

Joko also gave some tips for residents who want to leave their homes safely while going home for Eid.

He advised residents to leave their house keys with trusted neighbors while returning home.

"It is better to leave it to a trusted neighbor. Residents are also expected to report to the local RT before leaving the house," he said.

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