VIDEO: About Dea OnlyFans, Comedian M Will Be Questioned By The Police, Who Is He?
Regarding Dea OnlyFans, Comedian M will be questioned by the police, who is he? (VOI Video graphics team)


JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya scheduled an investigation into the comedian with the initials M who bought pornographic content from Dea OnlyFans, Thursday (7/4). The comedian will be questioned as a witness. Investigators will investigate the purchase of pornographic content. Because, the name of this comedian M appeared in the examination of Dea OnlyFans. The comedian is said to have purchased 76 pornographic video and photo content from Dea OnlyFans. Purchases are made directly. This was conveyed by Kanit 1 of the Cyber Sub-Directorate of Kompol I Polda Metro Jaya, Made Redi Hartana to journalists, Wednesday (6/4). Watch the video below.

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