
JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati) has submitted the results of the investigation and investigation into the alleged export of cooking oil to customs investigators at the Tanjung Priok Type A Customs and Excise Main Service Office.

Head of the Penkum Kejati DKI Jakarta, Ashari Syam, said that the submission of the results of the investigation was not a criminal act of corruption by PT AMJ and other companies related to the distribution process of packaged cooking oil exported through Tanjung Priok in 2021-2022.

"The reason the investigative team handed over the handling of the case was because based on the results of the investigation, it was concluded that the unlawful act committed by PT AMJ and other companies was not an incident of a criminal act of corruption, but an incident of a customs crime, so that the handling at the investigation stage does not becomes the authority of the prosecutor's investigator," Ashari said, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, April 5.

The conclusion of the investigative team, said Ashari, was conveyed before the Head of the DKI Jakarta High Prosecutor's Office, Reda Manthovani, in a case led by the Assistant for Special Crimes, Abdul Qohar.

In general, he continued, the research team found that PT AMJ from July 2021 to December 2022 had exported Bimoli branded cooking oil of various sizes, a total of 13,211 cartons with a total weight of 159,503.4 kg to Hong Kong (Amin Blessing Limited).

PT AMJ, he said, was suspected of having falsified cooking oil export data as contained in the Goods Export Notification (PEB) from June 2021 to December 2021.

"That is data regarding the type of goods, which should be written in cooking oil (VEGETABLES OIL) with the code 1516.20.16 but written as VEGETABLES (Vegetables)," he said.

The alleged falsification of the data entered in the PEB sheet caused PT AMJ to avoid imposing export duties and palm oil levies which should have been deposited by PT AMJ into the state treasury for exports of palm cooking oil of approximately 13,211 ctn.

The actions carried out by PT AMJ which are suspected of falsifying its PEB data as contained in the Commercial Invoice and Packing List of PT AMJ, are alleged to have violated the provisions of Article 82 Paragraph (6) Jo. Article 102 A letter b Jo. 103 Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 17 of 2006 concerning amendments to Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 10 of 1995 concerning Customs.

With the submission and signing of the Minutes of Handover of Investigation Results from the DKI Jakarta High Prosecutor's Investigator to the Customs Investigator at the Office of the Customs and Excise KPU Type A Tanjung Priok, further legal handling is the responsibility of the Customs Investigator.

"In accordance with applicable laws and regulations," he said.

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