
PANDEGLANG - The Banten Police revealed the facts in the explosion incident that killed one person in Cisaat Village, Tangkil Sari Village, Cimanggu District, Pandeglang Regency, on Sunday, January 9, at approximately 20.30 WIB. In the explosion, the owner of the house with the initials UL (41) was killed, while his wife, LI (40) was seriously injured by the explosion.

The Head of Public Relations of the Banten Police, Kombes Pol. Shinto Silitonga, said that based on the scientific evidence collected by the Inafis function of the Ditreskrimum of the Banten Police, the autopsy of the victim's body by the Forensic Medicine of the Banten Police Biddokkes, and analysis of explosives by the Banten Police Satbrimob, it was concluded that the explosion was caused by an ordinary bomb. made to catch fish. Shinto said, the bomb was not linked to the terrorist network's actions.

"After identifying the type of explosives, investigators from the Satreskrim Polres Pandeglang examined 4 witnesses who witnessed the incident, including the victim's child who received explosives from the perpetrator to give to the victim," Shinto said in a written statement, Tuesday, April 5.

Shinto said, after conducting an investigation, the man with the initials LL (35), who works as a fisherman, was arrested. LL, continued Shinto, after the explosion occurred, he immediately fled to the forest in the Munjul area, Pandeglang for 2 months, and returned to the Sumur.

When he returned, Shinto said, LL was successfully arrested by investigators on March 11, 2022. The resident of Sumber Jaya Village, Sumur Subdistrict, Pandeglang was arrested while working in a fish cage in Sumur Subdistrict, Pandeglang.

Meanwhile, Pandeglang Police Chief AKBP Belny Warlansyah explained that the suspect provided materials for making fish bombs, some of which were purchased from someone in Indramayu District, Indramayu Regency, West Java.

"The suspect handed over the explosives that had been purchased to UL to be assembled into fish bombs, because UL has skills in assembling fish bombs, then after they were assembled, UL gave back the fish bombs to LL with a salary of Rp. 200,000 per 6 kilograms of fish bombs and Then LL continued to sell it to another party at a value of Rp. 150,000 per 500 grams, resulting in a significant profit for the suspect," explained Belny Warlansyah.

The motive for the suspect LL is seeking profit from making fish bombs. Belny said that the suspect did not care about the dangers of storing and assembling explosives, nor did he even care about the impact of fish bomb damage on marine ecosystems.

"LL got explosives to make fish bombs from MKD through his wife MKD on behalf of MY alias Maya who was in Indramayu, West Java. Then LL transferred funds to MY, then MKD prepared the materials for making fish bombs and LL took LL to be taken to Pandeglang," concluded Belny Warlansyah.

Then, last week before the explosion, LL bought materials for making fish bombs from MKD in the form of 25 kg of potassium worth Rp. 3,000,000, 1 kg of sulfur worth Rp. 150,000 and 500 gr of bronze for Rp. 300,000, all of these items were then given to LL to UL for assembly. and some parts of these materials were also found at the crime scene by Inafis Ditreskrimum Banten Police after the explosion.

On the same occasion, Shinto Silitonga delivered evidence confiscated by officers from the explosion scene, namely 1 plastic bag left over from blue powder packaging, 3 plastic bags containing yellow powder, 2 plastic bags left over from gray powder packaging, 1 white sack with the inscription potassium cholorate measuring 25 kg, 1 unit of white cable and on-off switch, 1 plastic bag left over from ready-made explosives packaging, 1 wooden halo, 1 unit of pink filter, 4.4 kg of gray powder and 5 grams of yellow powder.

Shinto emphasized that the suspect was subject to multiple articles, not only on possession of explosives but also because of the impact of explosives which resulted in the death of people.

"The first suspicion is Article 1 paragraph (1) of the Emergency Law No. 12 of 1951 concerning illegal possession of explosives, is punishable by 10 years in prison and the second suspicion is Article 359 of the Criminal Code, namely that because his mistake resulted in the death of a person, the punishment is 5 years in prison. ," he continued.

The Pandeglang Police continue to pursue the husband and wife MKD and MY who were the source of the explosives for making fish bombs. "This arrest is a warning for coastal communities not to use fish bombs in catching fish in the sea, because this is not only a crime but also causes damage to marine ecosystems. in 2014 after shopping for fish bombs from the same source in Indramayu and serving 8 months in prison," concluded Shinto

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