
JAKARTA - The Honorary Board of the DKI Jakarta DPRD issued the results of the examination of the Chairman of the DKI DPRD, Prasetyo Edi Marsudi, who was reported for holding a plenary meeting to determine the Interpellation of Formula E.

After undergoing examination of Prasetyo, the BK DPRD DKI decided that Prasetyo as the reported party was declared not to have violated the code of ethics of the DPRD DKI Jakarta.

"The Honorary Board of the DKI Jakarta Provincial DPRD hereby conveys its decision stating that the reported party is not proven to have violated the rules and code of conduct of the DKI Jakarta Provincial DPRD," wrote Chairman of the BK DPRD DKI Achmad Nawawi in his decision letter, quoted on Tuesday, April 5.

Nawawi revealed, the results of this decision showed that the investigation process of reports of alleged violations of the rules and code of ethics against the Chair of the DKI DPRD for the implementation of the Formula E interpellation plenary meeting was declared complete.

However, there are a number of recommendations submitted by the DKI DPRD BK. First, asking the leadership of the DKI DPRD, namely Prasetyo and the four Deputy Chairpersons of the DPRD, to strengthen the collegial collective principle in making decisions.

Then, the DKI DPRD BK also asked the leadership of the DKI DPRD to revise the DPRD Regulations Number 1 of 2020 because it was found that there were conflicting rules and were not in accordance with the reference to PP Number 12 of 2018.

The Honorary Board also asked the leaders and members of the DKI Jakarta Provincial DPRD not to easily make reports or complaints. This is because the Honorary Body is obliged to process all reports by conducting investigations, verifications, and clarifications on these reports.

Nawawi said that this decision letter had been submitted to Prasetyo and the reporting party, in this case the four deputy heads of the DKI DPRD and seven factions in the DPRD. "I submitted the results four days ago," said Nawawi.

As is known, on September 28, 2021, four deputy chairmen of the DKI DPRD and seven factions of the DKI DPRD reported Prasetyo to the Honorary Board of the DKI DPRD for allegedly ignoring the DPRD rules and regulations by holding a Formula E interpellation plenary meeting.

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