
JAKARTA - Five people died and more than 10 others were injured when a pick-up truck hit a train, sending the carriage off the tracks and overturning.

Local police said the accident occurred in southern Hungary on Tuesday morning, just before 5 a.m. local time, at an intersection in Mindszent, near the Hungarian-Serbian border.

"Five people in the truck were killed, some were injured among those in the truck and in the train," a police spokesman told Reuters as quoted by April 5.

Police added that the truck involved in the tragic accident was known to be registered in Hungary and was carrying local workers.

"Rescue efforts are still ongoing, so we cannot determine the number of victims," police said in a statement, citing The Independent.

Local news site showed a photo with a train car at its side, a helicopter ambulance and several ambulances at the scene.

Separately, the state rail company said a train en route from Kiskunfelegyhaza to Hodmezovasarhely had hit a truck.

Allegedly ignoring a red light and continuing towards the tracks, the truck derailed a carriage with 22 passengers. Two of them were seriously injured, while the other had minor injuries.

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