
SERANG – The results of the analysis and evaluation of the first quarter of 2022, the Banten Police have recorded an increase in the number of traffic accident cases in the Banten area.

This was conveyed by the Head of Humas of the Banten Police, Kombes Pol. Shinto Silitonga, Tuesday, April 5 after participating in the Analysis and Evaluation of the First Quarter at the Traffic Directorate of the Banten Police.

"The number of accidents in the Banten Police jurisdiction in the first quarter of 2021 was 305 cases, while in the first quarter of 2022 there were 356 cases, an increase of 54 cases or 18% when compared to the first quarter of 2021," said Shinto Silitonga in a written statement. , Tuesday, April 5th.

Then, for the death toll caused by a traffic accident, according to the data for the First Quarter of 2021, there were 149 fatalities and for the First Quarter of 2022 there were 148 fatalities, down by 1 death toll when compared to the First Quarter of 2021.

"The victims of serious injuries and minor injuries due to traffic accidents that occurred in the jurisdiction of the Banten Police both experienced an increase in the first quarter of 2022, whereas in the first quarter of 2021 there were 38 cases of serious injuries and 267 cases of minor injuries, while in the first quarter of 201 In 2022, serious injuries increased by 19 cases to 57 cases and minor injuries increased by 89 cases to 356 cases," he said.

In this case, material losses resulting from accidents in Quarter I-2022 increased, where in Quarter I-2021 material losses amounted to Rp. compared to Quarter I-2021.

Meanwhile, for the settlement of traffic accidents in the First Quarter of 2022, there was an increase of 7 cases from 273 cases in the First Quarter of 2021 compared to 280 cases in the First Quarter of 2022.

"Of course there is a longing to be able to meet and gather with family on the upcoming Eid, we continue to urge the public to continue to be the pioneers of traffic safety," concluded Shinto.

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