
JAKARTA - The Medical Code of Ethics Council (MKEK) explained the background behind the dismissal of former Health Minister Terawan Putranto from the membership of the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) in a joint meeting with Commission IX of the DPR, Monday, April 4.

MKEK assessed that there was a big problem with the digital subtraction angiography (DSA) or 'brainwashing' method introduced by Terawan.

MKEK representative, clinical pharmacology specialist in the field of medicine, Prof Rianto Setiabudi, explained that there are certain parts of Terawan's dissertation that contain substantial weaknesses. Prof Rianto revealed that the small dose of heparin used in the Terawan DSA method did not function to dissolve blood clots in the brains of stroke patients. But only to prevent clogged blood clots at the tip of the catheter which serves to indicate the location of the blockage.

"DSA is a method, a radiological method of inserting a catheter from a blood vessel in the thigh to the brain. There the contrast is released. The contrast will show where the blockage is. So, to keep the tip of the catheter open, give a small dose of heparin. to prevent blood clots at the end of the catheter. When it is used, a huge problem arises, namely those who are used are stroke people whose strokes have been more than one month old," said Prof Rianto, quoted through the House of Representatives Commission IX YouTube, Tuesday. , April 5th. "So the blood clot has hardened there and it is impossible, we look for in any literature, which shows that heparin is effective at breaking down (or) dissolving blood clots," he continued.

According to Prof. Rianto, only thrombolytic agents can dissolve blood clots in stroke patients. Even that, he said, is only effective if the stroke is only a few hours old.

"This (Terawan's DSA method) has been going on for more than a month and he's not using medicine to dissolve it. So there's a big problem there," he said.

Prof Rianto explained that the DSA research clinical trial did not have a comparison group. This is what makes the research design in Terawan's dissertation a 'big flaw'.

"True clinical trials will say that it is very difficult for us to accept the validity of research without a comparison. This is a major flaw in the research design. That happened in this study," explained Prof Rianto. blood. According to Prof Rianto, a clinical trial with good benchmarks should not be allowed. "But the patient feels the benefits of improvement, for example, before he couldn't take care of himself, now he can, before he couldn't walk, now he can walk. That's the right benchmark," he said. Then, the determination of a sample of 75 people assessed by MKEK was not clear. Finally, Terawan uses diagnostic procedures that are used for therapeutic procedures. "If I make an analogy, if someone coughing up blood goes to the doctor, the doctor says you should take an X-ray first, after the X-ray the doctor says there is no other treatment. That message is the treatment, so switching functions is completely difficult for our reason to accept," he explained. Prof. Rianto. "So we will ask why the scientists who were his mentors were silent on doing the dissertation. In this case, I would like to express the highest respect to Unhas, and their supervisory team, because they knew from the start this weakness, I was only forced to say yes because it was said that there was pressure. external parties who don't know what form it takes," said Prof Rianto.

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