
YOGYAKARTA - The Governor of the Special Region of Yogyakarta, Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X, has asked the perpetrators of street crimes that killed a student in his area to be prosecuted even though they are still minors.

"I think it's too much. If I'm legally processed, I don't know how old he is," said the Sultan at the Yogyakarta Kepatihan Complex, Antara, Monday, April 4.

According to him, although later the perpetrators are known to be minors, there must be an exception because they have resulted in the victim's death.

"The only way is to go through the legal process because that's the only way we can solve the problem," he said.

He hopes that the police can find a way so that underage perpetrators can still be prosecuted.

"This is a criminal case because it causes death. Yes, how can law enforcement find a way how he is processed in court. It is the case that is acquitted that frees the court, not other institutions," said the king of the Yogyakarta Palace.

Previously, a student in the Special Region of Yogyakarta died after being hit by a sharp object by a street criminal on Jalan Gedongkuning, Yogyakarta City, early Sunday.

The DIY Police are still pursuing and investigating the identities of the perpetrators by asking witnesses for statements.

"We are still investigating the crime scene. We have carried out the crime scene many times and are looking for more witnesses," said Dirreskrimum Polda DIY, Kombes Ade A Indradi.

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