
SAMARINDA - Deputy Chair of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) of East Kalimantan Province (Kaltim) Muhammad Haiban said that the implementation of the congregational prayer line at the Islamic Center Mosque during the holy month of Ramadan met as usual with a note that masks were mandatory.

"Hopefully nothing will happen. But, what is clear is that we have announced that we have requested that the health protocols (prokes) be adhered to," said Haiban in Samarinda, as reported by Antara, Saturday, April 2.

His party has also advised people not to shake hands, although it is difficult to prevent it.

Haiban said that as a Muslim there is something called the command to make efforts, namely trying to take care of the health of oneself and others.

In addition, masks were prepared for people who were monitored not to use masks to the mosque.

"If we see people who are not wearing masks, we will call them and we will give them masks to wear," he explained.

Iftar will also be held inside the Islamic Center Mosque.

Haiban added that his party did not make rules regarding staying at mosques during the last days of the holy month of Ramadan, but rather recommendations.

"There is an example from the Messenger of Allah, after the 20th he did not come home, at the mosque for Itikaf. He did not sleep, except when he was sleepy," he said.

Itikaf is staying in the mosque to introspect the mistakes that have been made and then asking forgiveness from Allah SWT. "Not sleeping, if the intention to sleep is not appropriate, but if you fall asleep it's okay," he said.

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