
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) has formulated a pattern of supervision and law enforcement for the national marine and fisheries sector in order to obtain a common perception of all relevant parties.

"To realize the roadmap to a blue economy, healthy seas, prosperous Indonesia, it is necessary to build a common perception in the supervision and imposition of sanctions for violations in the marine and fisheries sector," said Director General of Marine and Fishery Resources Supervision of the KKP Admiral TNI Adin Nurawaluddin. in a release in Jakarta, Saturday, April 2, as reported by Antara.

The KKP together with law enforcement agencies and the Regional Government have agreed on a new pattern of supervision and law enforcement in the marine and fisheries sector after the enactment of Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation (UUCK).

The agreement on the pattern of supervision and law enforcement was approved at the National Working Meeting (Rakernas) for Supervision and Law Enforcement in the Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Sector which was held on 29 March-1 April 2022 in Jakarta.

Adin Nurawaluddin explained, Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation is expected to be able to accelerate economic growth through ease of doing business in the marine and fisheries sector.

For this reason, he said, the pattern of supervision and law enforcement that prioritizes administrative sanctions must be synergized with law enforcement agencies and local governments.

Furthermore, Adin said that there was an agreement in the National Working Meeting to prioritize the ultimum remedium approach through the imposition of administrative sanctions in handling violations in the marine and fisheries sector.

In addition, the National Working Meeting participants also agreed on efforts to equalize the pattern of supervision in the imposition of administrative sanctions, which will be outlined in the Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) for submitting the results of supervision to the Fisheries Supervisor and the Special Police for the Management of Coastal Areas and Small Islands (Polsus PWP3K).

“This is a positive thing, firstly, we agreed to push for an ultimum remedium approach through the imposition of administrative sanctions. Second, there will be SOPs that will be used as guidelines for the similarity of action patterns in submitting the results of supervision for the imposition of administrative sanctions," said Adin.

In addition to encouraging the imposition of administrative sanctions, Adin also explained that the National Working Meeting agreed to strengthen the role of regions in the implementation of supervision in accordance with their authority. This is in line with the spirit of the Job Creation Act and its derivative regulations.

He revealed that local governments that are not ready to carry out supervision according to their authority can be assisted by the Fisheries Supervisor of the Directorate General of PSDKP on the basis of a request from the Governor, Regent/Mayor or by mutual agreement.

In addition, Adin said that in the future, supervision of business actors will be carried out through Online Single Submission (OSS). However, for now, if there are still business actors who have not been registered in the OSS, the supervision will still be done manually.

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