
BOGOR - Bogor Mayor Bima Arya Sugiarto emphasized that the Bogor City Government (Pemkot) forbade residents from doing sahur on the road or sahur on the road (SOTR) during Ramadan 1443 Hijriah.

"So if you want to share, please share in places that really need it, such as orphanages, places of worship, or in their respective neighborhood residences, without carrying out processions or mobility," said Bima Arya in Bogor City. , April 2nd.

He considered SOTR risky because these activities could lead to potential conflicts and traffic accidents. Bima Arya also asked all levels of the Bogor City Government together with elements of the sub-district leadership deliberations (muspika) to socialize and communicate to the people of Bogor City about the ban.

Meanwhile, Bogor City Police Chief Kombes Susatyo Purnomo Condro also appealed to the public, who wished to share during the month of Ramadan, to distribute them to mosques or prayer rooms, without having to hand them over to the community directly on the side of the road.

The Bogor City Police, together with the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) and the Indonesian Mosque Council (DMI) work together to socialize and regulate residents who want to share takjil or sahur meals.

"Our commitment, the Bogor City Government, the police and the TNI, in order to maintain the sanctity of the month of Ramadan, wants the public to be able to carry out worship quietly and solemnly," said Susatyo.

Meanwhile, he continued, to anticipate sweeping, his party has gathered various Islamic social organizations (ormas) to jointly maintain and respect the implementation of worship during Ramadan.

The Bogor City Police have prepared eight security posts to anticipate the crime of brawls and traffic jams before breaking the fast.

"If there are indications or potential for crime or security and security disturbances, please report them to the police or Satpol PP; we will definitely take action," he said.

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