
CILEGON- The case of the mistreatment that killed a prisoner with the initials AA (21) while undergoing detention in the Cilegon Police Cell by dragging 6 suspects was reconstructed by the Cilegon Police Criminal Investigation Unit at the Cilegon Police Headquarters yard, Friday, April 1.

A total of 41 scenes were demonstrated by suspects ASB, HY, M, JP, FA and DA in the reconstruction. The police demonstrated the scene in the cell when the victim began to undergo detention and was tortured by the suspects.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Cilegon Police, AKP Arief N Yusuf, said that the reconstruction was carried out as an effort by the police to find evidence and facts about the death of the detainee in the Cilegon Police cell.

"This reconstruction is carried out to seek the truth rather than facts supported by experts, both forensic experts and criminal experts. This implementation is carried out in coordination with the prosecutor's office to immediately process it according to the facts and truths that have been revealed," explained Arief.

In the scene that was demonstrated by 6 suspects, the victim was seen being abused by other detainees when she just entered the cell.

"The victim with the initials AG when he just entered the cell was asked by one of the suspects. The question asked by the suspect was answered by the victim, the victim's answer was considered high-pitched to ignite the emotions of other prisoners," said Arief.

One by one, the six suspects took turns throwing punches at the victim.

"There is a suspect who beat him using a roll of mat to a bottle of mineral water. Not only that, the victim was also stepped on and kicked by other prisoners several times," added Arief.

The police said that the scene in the reconstruction was in accordance with the Investigation Report (BAP) and the evidence revealed during the examination. There is no new evidence in the reconstruction.

Arief added, currently regarding the handling of the case, his party has coordinated with the Cilegon District Attorney (Kejari).

"From its implementation, we will always coordinate with the prosecutor's office to immediately process it according to the facts and truths that have been revealed. We have submitted the evidence to the prosecutor's office in the file and it will be properly coordinated with the prosecutor's office," Arief explained.

It is known that the death of a drug prisoner from the Cilegon Police took place on Monday, February 14. The prisoner with the initials AG was taken to the hospital after being abused by fellow prisoners but his life could not be saved.

The police then investigated the case of AG's death to determine 6 suspects. The suspects were charged with Article 170 paragraph 1 in conjunction with 351 paragraph 3 of the Criminal Code concerning persecution with a penalty of 5 years in prison.

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