
MEDAN - Video footage of Haikal Hassan being rejected when he was about to give a lecture at the Grand Mosque, Pematangsiantar City, North Sumatra went viral on social media.

Viewed Friday, April 1, the video shows a number of men arguing inside a mosque. Haikal Hassan, was seen sitting among the men wearing a hat.

Seen, a man wearing a white robe tries to explain something with a man in a blue shirt who is said to be the administrator of the mosque. Before long, the man in the blue shirt then got up from his seat.

"I don't want to argue. This is my house," said the man in the blue shirt as he rose from his seat.

After that, the man in the white robe again tried to explain something to him. However, the man in the blue shirt persisted in not wanting to hear his explanation.

Seeing this, another man in a high tone questioned the manners of men in shirts.

"Do you have any etiquette? These are scholars, you know," said a man.

"This is God's house, this is God's house. This is God's house, you brat," another man shouted.

The man in the blue shirt remained unmoved. He kept walking out of the mosque.

Later, Haikal Hassan also came out of the mosque and tried to calm the angry man.

"Eh, that's all. Move aside, I said back off, if you came with me, I said back off," said Haikal.

Separately, the chairman of the Pematangsiantar MUI, Muhammad Ali Lubis, when confirmed, confirmed the incident. However, he denied the expulsion of Haikal Hassan.

"Actually, there is no expulsion, this is sometimes," said Ali, Friday, April 1.

He explained that the incident began because there were parties who invited Haikal Hassan to give a lecture. However, the inviting committee did not coordinate with the Grand Mosque BKM.

"It's true from BKM, I was not informed about this. Reportedly from BKMT someone wants to invite Mr. Haikal, Babe here. But apparently the committee did not confirm with the management of the Grand Mosque," he explained.

"So the mosque administrator didn't accept it, how come it was such a big event that we weren't told, that's the story. So it was rejected, they didn't throw out his name," he continued.

Ali said, due to the incident, Haikal Hassan's lecture was cancelled. He said the problem was only triggered by a misunderstanding of communication.

"The event was canceled. Miss communication, there was no expelling, the event was cancelled," he said.

"So indeed there was no expulsion, only the event was not carried out because reportedly the committee did not notify the administrators of the grand mosque," he said.

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