
JAKARTA - Minister of Law and Human Rights (Menkum HAM) Yasonna Hamonangan Laoly explained the importance of revising the Law on Medicine.

"The government records that Indonesia has lost trillions of rupiah in foreign exchange because there are two million people who seek treatment abroad every year," said Yasonna H Laoly in a written statement quoted by Antara, Friday, April 1.

According to Yasonna, the revision of the Law on Medicine is needed to strengthen the medical system so that it can better provide services to the community.

According to him, if the service is getting better then people no longer need to go for treatment abroad. This will automatically have an impact on increasing the country's foreign exchange.

In addition, the revision of the Medical Law will also make it easier for Indonesian citizens (WNI) who are studying medicine abroad to practice in Indonesia.

"There are Indonesians who study medicine in Russia, but it is difficult to practice in Indonesia," he said.

With the revision of the Medical Law, it will facilitate the process so that doctors can practice in the country. Moreover, Indonesia needs a lot of doctors. "The process is made easier, don't complicate it, let alone complicate it," he said.

This is also in line with the government's efforts to prepare golden Indonesia to welcome Indonesia's 100th anniversary which falls in 2045. One of the efforts to make it happen is to encourage Indonesian children who excel in all fields, including medicine, to return to the country and practice their knowledge.

Indonesian citizens who study medicine abroad must carry out the equivalent of diplomas and follow the procedures of the Indonesian medical council and the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI). On average it takes one to two years to complete all procedures and costs money.

The problem, said Menkumham, is that it will be difficult to realize if the process is complicated. Therefore, it is necessary to revise the Medical Law.

As additional information, referring to Law Number 29 of 2004 concerning Medical Practice, a doctor must have a number of permits to practice. The permits are a registration certificate (STR) and a practice permit (SIP).

To get STR, a doctor must have a certificate of competence which is the authority of a professional organization in this case IDI.

Meanwhile, to get a SIP, a doctor must have a professional organization recommendation from IDI, and must be renewed every five years.

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