
JAKARTA - The government has allowed people to go home during this year's Eid on the condition that the third dose or booster vaccination has been vaccinated so that they no longer need to attach the results of the COVID-19 test.

Meanwhile, for people who have just carried out the second dose of vaccination, they can still go home but must complete a negative COVID-19 antigen test result within 1x24 hours or 3x24 hour PCR.

Then, people who are still undergoing the first dose of vaccination are required to do a 3x24 hour PCR test and attach a negative COVID-19 result before traveling.

Then, what about the conditions for going home for children? The head of the COVID-19 Task Force, Suharyanto, explained that children under the age of 18 do not need to be tested, but there are a number of conditions that must be met.

"Children under the age of 6 do not need testing but are accompanied by a travel companion who meets the travel requirements. Then children aged 6-17 years are not tested but must show a second dose of vaccination," said Suharyanto on the BNPB Indonesia Youtube channel, Friday, April 1.

Meanwhile, for people with certain health conditions that have not been vaccinated, they are required to carry out PCR testing 3x24 hours and attach a certificate from a general practitioner or local hospital.

Suharyanto said the regulation for travelers was carried out as an anticipation to prevent a spike in COVID-19 cases like the previous year.

"The National Task Force does not limit homecomers, but going home must continue to run safely, smoothly and we prevent the potential for COVID-19 transmission, which triggers a significant increase in cases like the previous year," said Suharyanto.

Through rules and support for facilities for the safety of travelers, the Head of the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) appealed to the public to remain obedient to implementing health protocols and vaccinating.

"People please go home safely while maintaining maximum and layered protection to protect themselves and their families by carrying out booster vaccinations," he added.

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