
PALU - Betalemba Village in Poso Pesisir Selatan District, Poso Regency, was hit by floods on Thursday after heavy rains fell.

"It has been raining with high intensity since 15.30 WITA which has caused the overflow of the Uemagali River which crosses the village and has flooded residential areas," said Head of Logistics and Emergency Division of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Central Sulawesi Province, Andi Sembiring, quoted by Antara, Thursday, March 31.

Due to the overflow of the Uemagali River, he continued, the trans road connecting Poso Regency and Parigi Moutong Regency in the village was also flooded.

It was recorded that 10 residential units and 37 people were affected by the flood. Currently the local village government is in dire need of assistance from the Poso Regency Government to normalize the Uemagali River which is experiencing sedimentation.

"The Betalemba Village Government and villagers also urgently need help to shift or move the electricity poles that stand above the river because they block the waterways that cause flooding. There are six electricity poles standing on the river," he said.

The BPBD of Central Sulawesi Province and the local village government are currently still collecting data on infrastructure and facilities and infrastructure affected by the flood," he said.

Andi appealed to the residents of Betalemba Village to remain vigilant and always ready to anticipate similar disasters that could occur at any time.

"Until now there have been no reports of casualties. We continue to coordinate with Betalemba Village officials to anticipate a greater impact due to the flooding that occurred," he added.

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