
MEDAN - Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution emphasized that he is trying to fulfill his promise during the last Pilkada campaign. One of them is building embankments to minimize tidal flooding that hit the area in the northern part of Medan in 2022.

President Jokowi's son-in-law explained, to realize this, the Medan City Government will collaborate with the North Sumatra Provincial Government and the Ministry of Housing and People's Settlements (PUPR).

"Through the OPD (Public Works Department) we will try to solve this flood problem. Therefore, we will build a tidal levee in the northern part of Medan. Hopefully, it will have an effect on the Bagan Deli area," said Bobby Nasution when handing over assistance to MSMEs. in Bagan Deli Village, Medan Belawan District, Thursday, March 31

Bobby emphasized that after being elected mayor, he and his deputy, Aulia Rachman, did not want to give up their hands in dealing with floods in the northern part of Medan. However, the Medan City Government needs time to align the program with the North Sumatra Provincial Government and the PUPR Ministry.

"It takes time to harmonize the program so that it goes well. So, we ask for support and prayers from the whole community. God willing, this year we will build a dike to overcome the tidal flood," he said.

While waiting for the embankment construction, Bobby Nasution explained, the Medan City Government is currently focusing on cleaning the Deli River section. He said the cleaning would start from upstream.

"We work in collaboration. We have also asked for the assistance of the TNI and Polri to participate in helping. Hopefully the cleaning of the Deli River can have an impact on the Bagan Deli area," he hoped.

After handing over the assistance for SMEs, Bobby continued to tour the area around Jalan Raya Bagan Deli which was already inundated by floods. While observing, Bobby also greeted the people who called him and conveyed a number of their complaints.

On the sidelines of the review, Kahiyang Ayu's husband also visited Fitri's PAUD which enforces SPP payments using garbage for children living in the area.

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