
JAKARTA - General Chairperson of the Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) Executive Board, KH Yahya Cholil Staquf, asked the younger generation not to be influenced by the invitation of irresponsible parties to commit acts that cause damage.

"Don't want to be invited to ruin, that damage, that damage will ruin your life later. Because this future belongs to you, we are about to pass. This is your future, you have to decide what kind of future it will be. you live later," said KH Yahya Cholil Staquf in a discussion on the Home Archipelago entitled "Religious Moderation in Nusantara Harmony" held by LPP RRI in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Thursday, March 31.

Yahya invites the younger generation and the community to continue to practice the cultural heritage of the archipelago, namely maintaining harmony and tolerance in everyday life.

"This heritage is really needed today and in the future by the world," he added.

For this reason, if you want to see the Indonesian people contribute something truly meaningful to the entire human civilization, all parties must introduce and develop the original Indonesian heritage of harmony and tolerance to the world.

"First of all we have to prove ourselves that we are strong to maintain the tradition of tolerance and harmony among all of us," he said.

During the discussion, the General Secretary of the Indonesian Church Communion (PGI), Rev. Jacky Manuputty, said that digital developments or technological advances also coincided with the circulation of information against religious narratives. According to him, the counter-religious narrative has the potential to lead to division in Indonesia.

"I immediately saw everyday phenomena that made my ears, heart, eyes hot, the battle between several groups. Now is indeed an era where everyone can suddenly become an expert with just two fingers," said Jacky.

He said, currently Indonesia is entering the digital space, but unfortunately some of them actually use the digital space as a counter-narrative.

"People lose the virtue of asking questions and having dialogue, rather than issuing harsh statements, we must find the formula together," added Jacky.

To make this happen, there must be a moderation of religion that is strengthened from all religions in Indonesia.

Meanwhile, the Bishop of the Archdiocese of Jakarta, Ignatius Cardinal Suharyo Hardjoatmojo, said that religious moderation was carried out in order to achieve world peace and live in togetherness.

"The title is human brotherhood for world peace and living together," said Suharyo.

He believes that the process of religious moderation in Indonesia is currently running and will continue.

He said that the challenge of religious moderation itself was in properly appreciating religious faith through figures from a number of faith communities.

"Therefore, faith community leaders who are truly authoritative and accompanying, educate their respective peaceful communities with the true appreciation of faith. That is the challenge for religious moderation, even that has been given an indicator," said Suharyo.

One of the efforts so that religious moderation continues, all parties must strive to create a harmonious world starting from the smallest things, namely from oneself and one's family.

General Chairperson of the Spiritual Council/Central Board of the Indonesian Confucian High Council (Matakin) Xs Budi S Tanuwibowo said Confucianism has the main goal, which is to create a harmonious world.

"It can be realized starting from the smallest, namely from yourself and your family," said Budi.

Budi explained that each person must respect each other between humans in order to create peace. Apart from starting from the family to achieve security and comfort in religion, humans on earth must uphold brotherhood.

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