
JAMBI - The West Tanjungjabung (Tanjabbar) District Prosecutor's Office (Kejari) has detained four suspects in the alleged corruption case in the procurement and installation of clean water in the district that cost the state Rp10 billion.

Head of the Information and Legal Section (Kasi Penkum) of the Jambi High Prosecutor's Office, Lexy Fatharany, said that after the case files, evidence and suspects were transferred to the Jambi Regional Police's investigators to the Prosecutor's Office, his party detained the suspects for further legal proceedings.

The four suspects for corruption in the procurement and installation of clean water are Fatmayanti, Yalmeswara, David Sihombing and Adrianus Utama Suswandi.

In the case of corruption in the procurement and installation of clean water in West Tanjab Regency in 2014, the four suspects have their respective positions and roles, namely the suspect Fatmayanti as Director of PT Multi Karya Interplan Consultant, Yalmeswara the recipient of job transfer for civil works, David Sihombing as PPK and Adrianus Utama Suswandi as President Director of PT Maswandi.

Chronologically in this case, clean water procurement activities have been carried out at the Tanjabbar Public Works Agency with a budget of Rp. 39.5 billion, which was then carried out by PT Maswandi and its supervision by PT Multi Karya Interplan Consultant, which was then in the middle of carrying out work that was not suitable and could not be operated, causing state financial loss of IDR 10 billion according to an audit from the Jambi Province Representative Office of the BPKP.

"In this case, the state loss is quite large, reaching Rp. 10 billion from the audit result of the Jambi Representative Office of the BPKP and the report is evidence in the case," said Lexy Fhatarany, quoted by Antara, Thursday, March 31.

At the time of handing over the files and evidence, apart from the suspect, there was also evidence that was confiscated during the investigation of around Rp. 400 million and there was money deposited from suspect Adrianus of around Rp. 1 billion which would be deposited in the BRI Kejari Tanjabbar account.

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