
JAKARTA - Police arrested a vegetable seller with the initials GP (31) at Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta. GP was arrested on suspicion of molesting and raping his stepson, WRM (17).

South Jakarta Metro Police Deputy AKBP Harun said the perpetrator was arrested on Wednesday, March 30. In his confession, he admitted that he had intercourse with his stepdaughter since 2016.

"We are conducting an investigation and arresting the suspect, and we are doing a post-mortem for the victim. From the results of the post-mortem, it is proven that there was an act of sexual intercourse," Harun told reporters at the Jakarta Metro Police, Thursday, March 31.

"From the age of 11, the victim was harassed. So from 2016 it was the beginning of sexual harassment," he added.

The beginning of the incident occurred in 2016, when the victim and her parents were on vacation at a relative's house in the Bekasi area, West Java. When the victim was in her room, the perpetrator entered and immediately had sex with WRM.

"When the victim was sleeping in his room, then the suspect had sexual intercourse. But it didn't take long because there was the sound of a motorbike from the complainant," he said.

Harun said that after having sexual intercourse, the vegetable seller did it again when he was at his house in South Jakarta. He harassed WRM while the victim's parents were not at home.

Harun said that every time he committed a heinous act, the perpetrator threatened the victim not to report it to anyone, including his parents. This is done so that his actions are not known to others

"(The victim and perpetrator) live in the same house. Until almost every day the victim is abused. So when the victim's mother is not present, the victim is always harassed, (every time he harasses the victim) the perpetrator threatens not to report it to his parents," he explained.

WRM finally decided to report it to his parents on Wednesday, March 30.

"The victim was treated like that for almost 6 years, finally the victim complained to her parents. So it was only in March 2022 (at the South Jakarta Metro Police)," he explained.

The police who received the report immediately made an arrest on the same day. Harun explained that his party secured a number of evidences in the form of clothes of the victim and the perpetrator at the time of the incident.

"The evidence we got was clothes in blue, pink as well as t-shirts and the results of the post-mortem from the RSCM," said Harun.

For his actions, the perpetrator was charged with Article 76 letter D Juncto 81 paragraphs 1 and 3 Juncto with Article 76 letter E in conjunction with Article 82 of Law no. 17 of 2016 which is the second amendment to Law no. 23 of 2002 concerning child protection. In addition, it is covered with Article 46 of the Law on Domestic Violence. 23 of 2004. The threat of a minimum sentence of 5 years and a maximum of 15 years with a fine of 5 billion, "

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