
LEBAK - Minister of Investment/Head of the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) Bahlil Lahadalia built an international standard Islamic boarding school in Lebak Regency, Banten Province.

"The boarding school will accommodate orphans from Aceh to Papua. Pesantren education is free," said Bahlil Lahadalia in Lebak, Thursday, March 31.

The location of an international standard Islamic boarding school in Cileles District, Lebak Regency, covering an area of 20 hectares, costs Rp. 89 billion and the first stage of construction of the pesantren is around Rp. 44 billion.

The first phase of construction is targeted to be completed by December 2022.

"We are ready for the first phase to accommodate as many as 400 children," said Bahlil, quoted by Antara.

According to him, the construction of Islamic boarding schools with international standards wants to produce quality and quality education, so that it can produce economists as well as entrepreneurs, so that they can broadcast the religion of Islam.

So far, most pesantren only print to be good at the Koran and give lectures.

However, his party designed the pesantren here so that they could spread Islam by doing business.

As the Messenger of Allah and his followers, approximately 10 people migrated from Mecca to Medina and the first Prophet migrated through economic routes by building markets, road infrastructure and mosques as communication centers.

Thus, his party hopes that graduates at this pesantren can give birth to economists as well as businessmen and entrepreneurs, so that they can broadcast the religion of Islam.

Pesantren education is not quantity, but it prioritizes quality, because it is of international standard and its management involves the Head of Vice President Prof Iriani and IPB Chancellor Prof Arif Satria.

"We want the children after high school to be distributed to well-known universities," he explained.

He admitted that the purpose of building the pesantren was to make it easier for orphans to get an education.

This is because his experience when he was at a junior high school in Papua was very difficult, because he had to walk up to a round trip of 8 km.

The long journey was forced to stop and did not finish junior high school, because of acquaintances.

However, he graduated from junior high school in Papua after attending an equal education and the quality is better than regular school.

"We hope that international Islamic boarding schools have quality education to produce reliable and superior human resources (HR) who also have noble character," he said.

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