
JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan through the Assistant for Economics at the DKI Regional Secretariat Sri Haryati asked DKI BUMD and the Regional Apparatus Work Unit in the food sector to monitor food prices and stock until Eid 2022.

"We ask BUMDs for food (Pasar Jaya, Food Station, Dharma Jaya), and friends from the Food, Maritime and Fisheries Security Service (KPKP) to continue monitoring food prices and availability in Jakarta from the eve of Ramadan to Eid al-Fitr," Sri said as quoted by Antara, Wednesday, March 30.

This is intended to ensure that the market as a place for people to buy basic needs is completely safe in terms of stock and affordability, he said.

However, according to Sri, the Food Task Force which is also the DKI Jakarta Regional Inflation Control Team (TPID) has carried out field inspections and ensured that all community needs in facing Ramadan and Eid 2022 in Jakarta are "safe".

"From the inspection results, in general, the stock of food that is usually needed by the community before fasting is available. All products are available," said Sri.

Previously, according to data from the DKI Jakarta KPKP Office, food needs before Ramadan increased by an average of 3.33 percent and before Eid an average of 7.34 percent. The same trend is also predicted to occur this year.

The highest increase in demand before Eid is for chicken eggs and beef commodities by approximately 13 percent, while the lowest increase in demand before Eid is for rice and large chili commodities by approximately four percent.

Meanwhile, for strategic food prices ahead of Eid al-Fitr, the DKI KPKP Office predicts an increase from 1.39 percent to 40.35 percent.

The highest price increase is estimated to occur in bulk cooking oil commodities by 40.35 percent, and premium quality cooking oil by more than 100 percent following the issuance of a central government regulation regarding the HET of bulk cooking oil and the pricing of premium quality cooking oil determined through a market mechanism.

There is also the lowest price increase is estimated to occur in large red chili commodities by 1.39 percent. However, the DKI KPKP Office stated that the prices of chilies and onions on Eid al-Fitr 2022 are estimated to be more affordable than last year's conditions thanks to sufficient supply and the absence of rain.

Meanwhile, for fresh food, the highest price increase occurred in beef, which was 16.85 percent. This increase was caused by the Australian Government prioritizing the fulfillment of its domestic consumption needs, which soared after the COVID-19 pandemic began to be under control.

On the other hand, the price of rice from the beginning to the whole year is predicted to be stable thanks to the smooth supply of rice and the absence of crop failures in producing areas.

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