
JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo said he had no problem with many tourists visiting Borobudur Temple during the Eid season.

This was conveyed by Jokowi while reviewing the repair of the temple infrastructure located in Magelang, Central Java.

Ahead of this year's Ramadan, the government is indeed easing mobility. For this, Jokowi reminded the public to vaccinate against COVID-19.

"It doesn't matter (if there are many tourists visiting Borobudur Temple during the Eid season). The most important, most importantly, when going home and then when traveling, don't forget the health protocols," said Jokowi as seen on the Presidential Secretariat's Youtube video, Wednesday, March 30.

"The main thing is to wear a mask and secondly, you have to have a complete vaccine plus a booster vaccine, because this is to protect all of us, to protect all of us," he continued.

Jokowi continued, the government made major improvements to the environment at Borobudur Temple over the past 2 years. These include widening the road to beautify the entrance area to the temple.

Efforts to beautify these tourist destinations, according to Jokowi, are important as an attraction for Indonesia in the eyes of foreign tourists.

"Whatever, this is one of the priority tourist destinations that we want to improve. The most important thing is that there are regular cultural arts events, routine performing arts, which continue to be held at the locations of our tourist destinations, including Borobudur. continue to be carried out so that it will attract more tourists to come to Indonesia," said Jokowi.

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