
JAKARTA - The Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police has opened the possibility of submitting a request for the issuance of a red notice to Interpol. This effort is to arrest the blasphemy suspect, Saifuddin Ibrahim, who is suspected of being in the United States.

"Every effort will certainly be made by investigators to uncover this case. Including what was submitted (issuing a red notice, ed)," said Karo Penmas, Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan, to reporters, Wednesday, March 30.

However, for now, investigators are still trying to find the exact whereabouts of Saifuddin. Although, widely heard if the suspect is in the United States.

"While we are still in the process. Once again, all efforts will be taken by investigators to uncover this case," said Ramadhan.

"In general, we will continue to conduct investigations and coordinate investigations with all ministry agencies related to this issue," he continued.

So far, the Bareskrim Polri has cooperated with the FBI to hunt down the whereabouts of Saifuddin Ibrahim alias Abraham Ben Moses.

"From the results of the investigation, information was obtained that Saifuddin Ibrahim's brother is currently abroad," said the Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo.

In an effort to find the whereabouts of Saifuddin Ibrahim, Bareskrim also coordinated with the Directorate General of Immigration to trace his travel history.

"Coordinated with the Directorate General of Immigration at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding the alleged presence of SI's brother in the United States," said Dedi.

For information, Saifuddin Ibrahim had gone viral on social media because of his statement. He asked the Minister of Religion to delete 300 verses of the Koran.

The reason behind his request is because the verses are considered to be the cause of radicalism.

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