
JAKARTA - The vocalist of Sisitipsi band Muhammad Fauzan Lubis (MFL) has undergone an assessment by an integrated team at the DKI Jakarta Provincial National Narcotics Agency (BNNP) on Wednesday, March 23.

Kanit 1 of the West Jakarta Metro Police Narcotics Unit AKP Harry Gasgari said his party had received the results of the assessment from the Jakarta BNNP integrated team.

"The result is that MFL meets the requirements for rehabilitation. We will take him to the DKI BNNP to undergo treatment for 3 months," said AKP Harry Gasgari when confirmed by reporters, Wednesday, March 30.

Furthermore, AKP Harry explained that his party would take the person concerned to the BNNP DKI Jakarta

"According to the assessment results from the integrated team, the MFL meets the requirements to undergo the rehabilitation process," he said.

Meanwhile, according to observations, the MFL was accompanied by the Head of Drugs Unit 1 AKP Harry Gasgari and the Deputy Commissioner for Drugs, Kompol Arif and other investigators.

Before getting into the car, MFL left a message for its fans to take care of their health. "Greetings healthy (to the fans)," he said.

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