
JAKARTA - Three prosecutors were appointed by the Head of the South Kalimantan High Prosecutor's Office, DR Mukri, to examine the case files for the suspected hoarder of cooking oil in Banjar Regency, South Kalimantan.

"We have received the dossier of the investigation results on behalf of the suspect with the initials Z from the South Kalimantan Police and were further investigated by three appointed prosecutors," said Assistant for General Crimes at the South Kalimantan High Court, Indah Laila in Banjarmasin, Wednesday, March 30, as reported by Antara.

The Public Prosecutor's Team (JPU) will immediately determine whether the case file is declared complete or still requires instructions to be completed by Polri investigators.

Indah said that the pre-prosecution process carried out by the public prosecutor would proceed according to the provisions of the procedural law.

In accordance with the case file sent by the investigators of Sub-Directorate I Indagsi, the Directorate of Special Criminal Investigation at the South Kalimantan Police, suspect Z with Article 107 in conjunction with Article 29 paragraph 1 of Law No. 7 of 2014 concerning Trade in conjunction with Article 11 paragraph 2 and or paragraph 3 of the Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia. No. 71 of 20215 concerning the determination or storage of basic necessities that occur in warehouses having the address at Jalan Governor Soebarjo RT 06, Tatah Layap Village, Banjar Regency.

It is known that on March 4, 2022, the South Kalimantan Police took action against suspected criminal acts of business actors who stored basic necessities in the form of cooking oil when there was a shortage of goods and price fluctuations in the market.

From the storage warehouse for cooking oil packaged with various brands, the police confiscated 16,850 pcs or a total weight of 31,320 liters.

The seven brands consist of 2,380 pcs of Honest, 80 pcs of Bimoli, 7,820 pcs of Sovia, 1,050 pcs of Filma, 2,370 pcs of Fortune, 410 pcs of Fraiswell and 2,740 pcs of Sania.

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