
JAKARTA - Director of Prevention of the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) Brighen Ahmad Nurwakhid reminded the public to be aware of the political movement of the Indonesian Islamic State (NII).

"NII is the first political organization and movement in Indonesia that radicalizes political movements in the name of religion, and seriously endangers the sovereignty of the state," said Nurwakhid in a statement received in Jakarta, Antara, Wednesday, March 30.

He said that the NII ideology is the parent ideology that animates the radicalism and terrorism movements in Indonesia. Thus, the NII is a political movement that should be watched out for because it has an ideology that is contrary to Pancasila and the national consensus.

"In fact, it already has a government structure that works underground," he said.

Nurwakhid is of the view that the movement and ideology of the NII can encourage criminal acts of terrorism that justify various ways to achieve its goals. In addition, the dangers of this ideology have proven to be victims of indoctrination regardless of age.

"The ideology of NII is very dangerous because it has the belief and desire to change the ideology of the state, overthrow the legitimate government which is considered a thagut, has takfiri ideology, carries out underground movements with recruitment and training or I'dad," he said.

He explained that the NII organization had been banned by the government. However, the ideology that inspires many acts of violence and terrorism in Indonesia has no regulations that prohibit it.

Therefore, he hopes that religious leaders, academics, and all parties provide enlightenment to the public so that they are not easily influenced by the NII ideology and encourage regulations that prohibit the spread of ideologies that are contrary to Pancasila.

“I am very pleased with the firmness of the MUI (Indonesian Ulema Council, ed.) Garut which clearly issued a fatwa for the organization and movement of the NII. Hopefully this will also be followed by the Central MUI and other religious organizations in order to close the NII's space," said Nurwakhid.

Previously, the National Police's Anti-terror Special Detachment (Densus) 88 arrested 16 terrorist suspects affiliated with the Islamic State of Indonesia (NII) on Friday, March 25 in West Sumatra.

The arrests in large numbers show how radicalism and terrorism movements in several areas are now becoming more massive. "It is known that the motives of the suspects are to change the state ideology and overthrow the legitimate government," he said.

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