IKP Kominfo And DPR Hold Discussion With The Theme 'Information Awareness For Gender Equality'
Illustration. (Photo: Doc. Antara)


JAKARTA, Tuesday, March 29, IKP Kominfo and DPR RI held a Digital Forum with the theme "Information Awareness for Gender Equality". The discussion forum was filled by several speakers and presenters.

The event began with singing the anthem Indonesia Raya led by the Director-General and followed by a perfect attitude by the participants who attended the seminar. It was opened with a dance performance by the Jelantika Nusantara Studio, namely the Kembang Pesisir dance.

It was continued by the presentation of material from A. Rizki Sadiq as Member of Commission I of the Indonesian House of Representatives who conveyed about the digital world, namely a world without boundaries that does not know any partitions. What are the benefits of digital platforms, especially for women so that they can increase the capacity of women themselves? And, how to use digital platforms along with carrying out obligations when women are married?

Then continued by the second speaker, Wiryanta, as Director of Information and Communication of Human Development and Culture of the Directorate General of IKP, Ministry of Communications and Informatics, who shared lessons about the condition of women who are still lagging behind in several fields so that it becomes homework for the community and the government on how to increase the gender equality index so that it will increase in the future.

He also conveyed the consequences of gender inequality that harmed women, including violence and so on.

​This was followed by a presentation from the third speaker, namely Siti Maidina, a social activist who presented material on the issue of gender equality in the digital world. Based on Susenas data (2019), internet access during the 2016 - 2019 period for women has consistently decreased from 7.6 percent to 6.26 percent.

In 2019 the number of female computer users was only 13.77 percent, while males reached 15.17 percent. Constraints that cause gender inequality in women include:

- Literacy and wage inequality between female and male workers

- Still low technical mastery and digital technology skills

- Cultural burdens or social construction for women

As for digitalization opportunities for women, including:

- Business productivity

- New job or career opportunities

- To empower and develop themselves

- Advocating for women's issues more effectively

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