
JAKARTA - Komnas Perempuan member Siti Aminah Tardi said the existence of an independent supervisor related to the Draft Law on the Crime of Sexual Violence (RUU TPKS) is quite important, namely to ensure that the law is implemented properly, if it is later enacted.

"External supervision is needed to ensure (implementation) of the Sexual Violence Act, from prevention to the fulfillment of victims' rights," Aminah said in an online press conference entitled "Recommendations of the National Commission on Violence Against Women on the Importance of Independent Supervision in the Implementation of the TPKS Bill" was quoted as saying Between, Tuesday, March 29.

Komnas Perempuan proposes that the TPKS Bill also regulates monitoring and supervision carried out by independent institutions.

According to him, this independent monitoring can be carried out by a national human rights institution.

"It can be carried out by national human rights institutions, namely Komnas HAM, Komnas Perempuan, the National Commission for the Protection of Indonesian Children, the National Commission for Disabilities and external supervisory agencies in the criminal justice system such as the National Police Commission, the Prosecutor's Commission, the Judicial Commission and the Indonesian Ombudsman for the context of public services. " he said.

According to him, it is not necessary to establish a new institution because the existing independent institutions have the ability to carry out supervision and monitoring.

Previously, Komnas Perempuan suggested that the TPKS Bill also regulates independent monitoring and supervision.

"This element (monitoring and supervision) has not yet been discussed by the DPR and has not been included in the Problem Inventory List (DIM) by the government," said Komnas Perempuan Chair Andy Yentriyani.

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