
JAKARTA - Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) said that the procurement of curtains at the official houses of members of the DPR amounting to Rp. 48.7 billion using the 2022 APBN budget has the potential to cause fraud. Thus, the Secretary General of the DPR was asked to stop the procurement process.

"The Secretariat General of the DPR RI must temporarily stop the procurement process for replacing curtains and blinds to provide opportunities for providers who have the required qualifications," said ICW researcher Wana Alamsyah in a written statement, Tuesday, March 29.

Not only that, the Secretary General of the DPR was urged to open the document for the procurement of the curtains. This insistence, continued Wana, is in accordance with Article 15 paragraph (9) of Information Commission Regulation Number 1 of 2021 concerning Public Information Service Standards.

"That information on the procurement of government goods and services in the planning, selection, implementation process is information that must be provided and announced periodically," he said.

Wana also said that the procurement of curtains for the official houses of members of the DPR RI has the potential to cause fraud. Moreover, the large procurement budget does not apply the principles of effectiveness and efficiency.

In addition, there are four findings obtained from ICW's search results related to the plan to procure curtains by the Secretary General of the DPR RI. First, the lack of transparency regarding the volume of work in the planning process.

Second, there is the potential for cheating that leads to certain winners. Third, there is a procurement that is suspected to be almost similar in 2016.

"Fourth, the price of the goods purchased is indicated to be not up to standard because it is too expensive," he said.

As previously reported, the Secretary General of the DPR, Indra Iskandar, explained that the replacement of the curtains and the vitra of the official residence of members of the DPR had been proposed since 2009 but the budget was insufficient. According to him, the curtains on the official residence of the council members have not been replaced for 13 years.

The procurement of the curtains has been carried out using an open auction mechanism and emphasizes that the work plan and conditions (RKS) are very clear.

"Thirteen years ago (13) until now there has never been, never been replaced. So, yesterday in 2022 after the budget was available, we included a vitrase component to replace the house curtains for council members who are more than 13 years old," said Indra .

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