JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya will monitor goods transport vehicles that exceed the maximum load limit (Over Dimension Over Loading/ODOL). Violation prosecution uses E-TLE sensors and cameras.
"The first violation is a speed limit violation and the second is a cargo limit violation", said Traffic Director of Metro Jaya Police, Commissioner Sambodo Purnomo Yogo to reporters, Tuesday, March 29.
Maximum limit monitoring will be carried out on two toll roads, namely, the JORR toll road and the Jakarta-Tangerang toll road.
In the process of prosecution, officers will use sensor technology and E-TLE. Sensors will detect overloads, while E-TLE will capture images as evidence of infringement.
"Using a sensor on the road when the sensor indicates a violation of the overload limit, the sensor will automatically send signals and commands to the camera, the camera then captures so it doesn't just rely on the camera but there are sensors on the road", said Commissioner.
The enforcement scheme will be implemented on April 1, 2022. For now, it is still in the socialization stage.
Later, the violators will be subject to Article 307 of Law No. 22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation.
"The threat is two months in prison and a fine of IDR 500 thousand", said Commissioner.
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