
TANGERANG - Police continue to develop a case of a junior high school student brawl that occurred on Jalan Tanjung Pasir, Teluk Naga, Tangerang Regency. Because in that incident, there was one victim who died with the initials NR (16), a student at one of the MTs in Tangerang.

The Tangerang Metro Police Chief, Kombes Komarudin, said his party had arrested 24 minors aged 15-16 years in relation to the incident. And now, they have been examined.

"Twenty-four children have been detained or examined," said Komarudin when contacted, Tuesday, March 29.

In addition to securing dozens of perpetrators, the police also secured two pieces of evidence in the form of sharp weapons (sajam) celurit and samurai.

"Only 2 samurai weapons and sickles were secured," said Komarudin.

When asked whether the perpetrators would be detained, Komarudin said he would investigate the matter. If during the examination meet the criminal element, then the detention will be carried out.

"We will see later, if there are indications that they have fulfilled (crimes), then we will take legal proceedings," he said.

Previously, it was reported that the Tangerang Metro Police Chief Kombes Komarudin visited the Tangerang Regional General Hospital (RSUD) to see the body of a student with the initials NR (16) who died in a brawl on Jalan Tanjung Pasir, Teluk Naga, Tangerang Regency, Monday, March 28.

"There was a group of school children who were noisy or known as brawls. There was one victim who was seriously injured. However, when he arrived at the nearest hospital, he could not be helped, so the victim died," said Komarudin at the Tangerang District Hospital, Monday, March 28.

He said the victim suffered stab wounds with a samurai-type sharp weapon (sajam) in the head.

"We see that on the head, according to witnesses or colleagues of the victim, the perpetrator used a samurai type of weapon," explained Komarudin. Caption: Tangerang Metro Police Chief, Kombes Komarudin/Jehan/VOI

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