
JAKARTA - The Director of Zakat and Waqf Empowerment at the Ministry of Religion, Tarmizi Tohor, hopes that people will pay zakat early. This step makes it easier for distribution to beneficiary or mustahik.

"If you pay zakat on the 27th and 28th of Ramadan, you will feel sorry for the amil who only have a few days to distribute it," said Tarmizi Tohor in a written statement, Tuesday, March 29.

Tarmizi asked that Muslims not only pay zakat fitrah, but also increase infaq and alms during Ramadan. According to him, the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is still being felt today.

The collection of zakat, infaq, and alms (ZIS) can be used for the economic recovery of people affected by the pandemic, especially the mustahik, so that the wheels of their social and economic life can recover.

"This is an opportunity for Muslims in this blessed month to help each other. Zakat, infaq, and alms are worship that has social benefits," he said.

On the other hand, he emphasized that the National Amil Zakat Agency (Baznas) and the Amil Zakat Institution (LAZ) not only provide cash in distributing zakat to mustahik, but can also adjust it to the needs of the community.

"For example, currently cooking oil is scarce, it can be given in the form of food packages to mustahik, so it's not just money and rice," he said.

Tarmizi also invites preachers to intensify socialization about zakat in the month of Ramadan.

According to him, the achievement of zakat in Indonesia is still far from its potential due to the lack of socialization from preachers and preachers. In fact, according to him, the command of zakat is often juxtaposed with the commandment of prayer.

"So this month of Ramadan must be used by preachers so that sermons on zakat are intensified to the community, especially to those who can afford it," he said.

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