
KAPUAS HULU - The corruption case (Tipikor) for the construction of the Ma'arif Kapuas Hulu Madrasah with state losses reaching Rp2.7 billion is currently in the trial stage at the Pontianak Tipikor Court, West Kalimantan.

In the alleged corruption case, three defendants, namely Dedeng Alamsyah, Arif Budiman, and Indra Dharma Putra, caused state losses of IDR 2.7 billion.

"The case has already been heard for reading the indictment, the next hearing is the testimony of witnesses," said Head of the Intelligence Section of the Kapuas Hulu District Attorney's Office, Adi Rahmanto, in Putussibau, Kapuas Hulu, as reported by Antara, Tuesday, March 29.

Adi added, in the indictment of the public prosecutor (JPU), that in the construction of MTs Ma'arif Kapuas Hulu Rp 6 billion, but Rp 2.4 billion of the funds used by the defendant Dedeng Alamsyah for personal purposes, by falsifying the Draft Budget (RAB) which assisted by the defendants Arif Budiman and Indra Dharma Putra in exchange for Rp60 million. According to him, from the audit results there was a state loss of Rp. 2.7 billion. "To gain profit, the defendant made a forgery of the RAB," explained Adi.

The construction of MTs Ma'arif NU Kapuas Hulu located in the Kedamin, Putussibau Selatan District, Kapuas Hulu region, was sourced from the West Kalimantan Province APBD grant of Rp 6 billion for the 2018 Fiscal Year.

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