
JAKARTA - The police finally revealed how Gusti Ayu Dewanti alias Dea distributed hot videos to the OnlyFans application. The videos were previously stored on his Twitter account @GRESAIDS.

Director of Special Criminal Investigation of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Auliansyah Lubis said, after being saved, the video was then distributed according to Dea's will on OnlyFans.

"Then he sent one by one to OnlyFans via his twitter," said Auliansyah at the Metro Jaya Police Headquarters, Jakarta, Tuesday, March 29.

From the video that has been uploaded, Dea has benefited. Because, OnlyFans platform users have to pay if they want to watch the pornographic video.

"Then whoever wants to see the content has to pay first," said Auliansyah.

Based on the examination, Dea claimed to have made quite a profit. Tens of millions can be pocketed every month. In fact, to investigators Dea has been uploading pornographic videos to the OnlyFans platform for a year.

"The income is around Rp. 15 to Rp. 20 million per month," said Auliansyah.

Dea OnlyFans has been named a suspect in a suspected pornography case. However, investigators decided not to detain him.

In this case, Dea was charged with Article 27 paragraph 1 in conjunction with Article 45 paragraph 1 of Law No. 19 of 2016 regarding amendments to Law No. 11 of 2008 concerning the ITE Law.

Then, Article 4 paragraph 1 in conjunction with Article 29 and or Article 4 paragraph 2 in conjunction with Article 30 and/or Article 8 in conjunction with Article 34 and/or Article 9 in conjunction with Article 35 and/or Article 10 in conjunction with Article 36 of Law number 44 of 2008 regarding pornography.

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