
PASAMAN BARAT - The National Narcotics Agency of West Pasaman Regency, West Sumatra, arrested two dealers of 14 kilograms of marijuana at Taming Bridge, Ranah Batahan District. said Head of the West Pasaman BNNK Irwan Effenry at Simpang Empat, West Pasaman, Tuesday, March 29. In the arrest operation, the West Pasaman BNNK went down with the West Sumatra Province BNN Eradication Team. It received information regarding the entry of marijuana type narcotics originating from the Pengabungan area, North Sumatra, to the West Pasaman area by land. to the information and targets that have been obtained and carry out coordination with the Head of the West Sumatra Province BNN Eradication Division Kombes Pol Hindra to request additional personnel.

After that, at around 20.30 WIB, led by the West Pasaman BNNK Team under the command of Irwan Effenry, they went straight to the location where the target suspected of carrying the marijuana would pass. He said. Not long after, at around 02.15 WIB, a two-wheeled vehicle suspected of being the target passed one of the monitoring posts and was immediately coordinated with the ambush post to immediately make an arrest. After being arrested, officers found a black backpack which contained three large packages of narcotics. marijuana wrapped in brown duct tape and one package while marijuana leaves were wrapped in brown duct tape which was found inside a gray sweeter. .

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