
LAMPUNG - The Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) of Lampung Province explained the reason for the booster vaccine or booster being a mandatory requirement for people who want to go home for Eid 2022.

Deputy Chair of IDI Lampung, Dr. Boy Zaghlul MKes, said that the conditions for going home for Eid 2022 must have booster vaccinations to protect the public from being easily infected with COVID-19.

"Currently, there have been a lot of relaxations, even the health protocols are only 2 M (wearing masks and washing hands), so that the requirements for going home for Eid must be boosted by vaccination, which is a step to protect the community," said Dr Boy in Bandarlampung, Monday, March 28.

He also asked the public to remain vigilant, because even though COVID-19 cases have relatively decreased, the risk of transmission can still occur. Therefore, a booster dose of vaccination is needed to increase the body's immune system.

"The risk of transmission is still there. So when going home, if the conditions are to have a booster dose vaccinated, don't feel forced, because this is for the common good," he said.

Moreover, he said again, with the concessions currently being given by the government, booster dose vaccination is of course very important.

"This has been relaxed, the procedure only uses masks and washes hands, if it is not fortified with booster vaccinations, it can be dangerous for the family too. So it is hoped that by giving booster vaccinations when we return home, we and our families are also safe," he also said.

The Acting (Plt) Head of the Bandarlampung City Health Service (Dinkes) Desti Mega Putri said that the public's interest in asking for booster dose vaccination has not yet specifically increased.

"The increase in booster dose vaccination is still mediocre. It can be said that it is still in the same condition as usual days," he added.

According to him, an increase in people asking for booster doses of vaccination is likely to occur near Eid, because this will be one of the conditions for being able to return to their hometown.

"The average daily addition of vaccinations in Bandar Lampung has reached 1,000 doses. This calculation applies to the third, second, and first dose injections. However, currently the dominant dose is the third dose," he said.

Previously, the Bandarlampung City Health Office stated that the booster dose vaccination recipients in this city had reached 104,000 or 11.7 percent.

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