
JAKARTA - The Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan reminded his subordinates, especially the mayors and regents, not to only carry out developments that can only serve as decorations and function as city beautification.

However, Anies wants his staff to also build things that are not visible but can meet all needs.

This was conveyed by Anies when opening the 2023 City/Regency Administration Development Planning Meeting (Musrenbang).

The implementation of this Musrenbang is in accordance with the Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 70 of 2021 concerning the Preparation of Regional Development Planning Documents for Regions with Term of Office of Regional Heads ending in 2022

“Some of the community's needs cannot be photographed. Therefore, we must not build things that can only be photographed, even though we need serious efforts for things that cannot be photographed, such as peace, harmony, happiness, and so on," said Anies, Monday, March 28.

The 2023 City/District Administrative Musrenbang carries the theme "Accelerating Jakarta's Excellence to Create a Global Competitive City that is Resilience, Inclusive, and Equitable".

For Anies, this theme is very appropriate because Jakarta will become the center of economic, cultural, and cross-ethnic activities when the nation's capital moves to the archipelago.

"Jakarta is Indonesia's gateway to the world and the world's gateway to Indonesia. Therefore, we want this city to continue to prepare all infrastructure, both hard and soft, to become a globally competitive city," said Anies.

In this regard, Anies emphasized that Jakarta must also be able to find solutions to the problems it faces to achieve its achievements as a global city.

This includes setting up ecosystems that facilitate equitable economic growth and resilience to various challenges including disasters.

"Likewise, we must be ready to face challenges, whether we predict or unexpected such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, we hope that all parties will seriously anticipate the potential challenges that arise, whether due to climate change or related to health such as a pandemic," he added.

The experience in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic in the past two years, according to Anies, has also become an important lesson on how Jakarta is tested as a city with global competitiveness.

"I hope all of you take lessons from yesterday's pandemic events. Not only on the health aspect, but also on the economic and social aspects. We hope that our development in Jakarta can take advantage of past events for future development," he added.

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